Stewardship is using the gifts God has given us to do the work God is calling us to do.
Stewardship Resources
PowerPoint Presentations
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- Circle of Stewardship – the building blocks of Christian Stewardship using scripture
- Reasons for Giving – based on the Gallup poll, explores the internal and external motivations for giving and what that means for the church
- Annual Commitment Programs – summarizes a multitude of annual giving programs along with their strengths and weaknesses
- Multi-Generational Giving – explores the giving patterns for different generations as well as effective communication strategies for each group
- Year-Round Stewardship – a comprehensive strategy for implementing a year-round stewardship program in the parish
- Major Gifts – a systematic approach to identifying, cultivating, and stewarding major gifts as a way to increase financial resources and grow your capacity for ministry and mission
- Electronic Giving and Stewardship Resources – pros and cons of electronic giving and details about electronic giving through various companies
- Come and See Membership Growth – a pledge-based program designed to train a congregation to turn outward, towards the community, and invite people with whom they have a relationship to come and see their church
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- Diocese of Atlanta Year-Round Stewardship Program – a comprehensive step-by-step guide to develop a year-round stewardship program based on the church season with suggestions for activities in five categories: Spiritual Growth, Ministry Spotlight, Financial Health, Outside Ourselves, and God’s Creation
- Stewardship During COVID-19: Strategies for the Ministry of Stewardship during a time without in-person worship – strategies for adapting stewardship programs to reach those who are not attending in-person worship
- 2022 Circle of Stewardship Workbook – workbook used during the 2022 Circle of Stewardship workshop with information about each presentation; includes comprehensive list of electronic giving options
Helpful Websites
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- TENS – The Episcopal Network for Stewardship – tens.org, password: Jeremiah17:8 (no spaces), provides online workshops, downloadable annual campaign materials, reflections, best practices, and other resources from stewardship professionals in the Episcopal Church
- Project Resource – https://project-resource.org, provides teaching, focus, and resources such that a team may return to their diocese equipped to teach and lead locally in areas of resource development
- Episcopal Church Foundation– episcopalfoundation.org, an independent, lay-led and inclusive organization that helps build, vitalize and transform Episcopal faith communities focusing on formation, finance and resources including Endowments, Planned Giving, and Capital Campaigns
- Stewardship University – stewardshipuniversity.wordpress.com, a program developed by the Rev. Canon Timothy Dombek, Canon for Stewardship and Planned Giving for the Diocese of Arizona
- 40 Acts (Do Lent Generously) – 40acts.org.uk, a generosity Lent challenge that has become a movement on a mission to impact communities by creating moments of radical generosity
- Lake Institute on Faith and Giving – stewardshipresources.org, fosters a deeper understanding of the dynamic relationship between faith and giving, through research, education, and public conversation
- Holy Currencies (Kaleidoscope Institute) – kscopeinstitute.org, a holistic model for stewardship and congregational vitality, moving beyond “time, talent, and treasure” to create missional and sustainable ministries
Videos – Examples of Annual Stewardship Campaign Videos
- “Are You Churchy?”, Aidan’s, Cypress, Texas
- “Redeemed,” Thomas, Overland Park, Kansas
- “Hello,” Book of Mormon Parody, James Cathedral, Chicago
- “It’s a Wonderful Life,” All Saints, Chicago
Other Useful Resources
- TechSoup – Offers computer software and hardware to nonprofits for minimal cost (Microsoft Office Standard $29)
- Demographic research and statistics about your church and surrounding area