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Shared Place of Grace: St. Alban’s Elberton Welcomes UMC Neighbors After Split

Shared Place of Grace: St. Alban’s Elberton Welcomes UMC Neighbors After Split

The two churches celebrated their commitment in October 2024 on their corner at Church Street and Brookside Drive by replacing three St. Alban’s signs with one sign. To Hamilton, the sign represents “a permanent and public witness to the community of Elberton that these two congregations could share a home —and exercise ministry —together.”

Making Room for All: St. Thomas Columbus Erases Barriers So Everyone Can Worship

Making Room for All: St. Thomas Columbus Erases Barriers So Everyone Can Worship

To sing in the choir or join communion at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Columbus, you needed the ability to climb: two stories to the choir loft, three steps to the altar rail. Today those barriers are gone after the recent renovation funded by a capital campaign with the slogan “Making Room for All.”

Licensed for Ministry

Licensed for Ministry

Episcopalians promise to “serve Christ in all persons” as part of the baptismal covenant. After special training for their own ministries, 19 people recently were commissioned at the Cathedral of St. Philip as licensed lay ministers (LLMs) — a designation that permits people who are not clergy to provide pastoral care, sermons, Eucharist and more.

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In the News

Macon’s Oldest Church is Turning 200 This Spring – See How It’s Celebrating

Christ Church was founded on March 5, 1825, by a reverend named Lot Jones who was on a missionary tour of Georgia, according to the Georgia Historical Society. At the time of Christ Church’s founding, Macon was in its infancy. It had been created two years before as a frontier town after the U.S. government forcibly removed the Creek Indians from their native land, according to the New Georgia Encyclopedia.

Hurricane Helene Caused Catastrophic Damage in Southeast

As Hurricane Helene, a powerful Category 4 storm with winds of up to 140 miles per hour, moved from the Big Bend region of the Florida Panhandle late on Sept. 26 into the hills of Appalachia two days later, Episcopal churches and entities suffered damage that ranges from minor to major.

After Church Donation, Family Promise Offers First Transitional Home

A recent donation to Family Promise of North Fulton/DeKalb will give two families in need of transitional housing a place to call home early next year. Family Promise is a nationwide nonprofit that fights homelessness by providing resources, transitional housing, and support to struggling families.

Upcoming Events

For Faith Devotionals


To grow up in Christ will make you settled. See Jesus in the wilderness being tempted by the devil. The devil makes three attempts to lure Jesus away from his identity and purpose.

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“…we expend time to gain space and the things of space..…” “But time,” he says, “is the heart of existence.” “The higher goal of spiritual living…is to face sacred moments.

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Dangerous Oddness

“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you and pray for those who abuse you.” Those are Jesus’ directives to us who call him lord.

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Bishop Wright’s Podcast

For People, is a conversation in which Bishop Rob Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

The Latest Episode…

For People Podcast Series: The Heart of Moral Leadership

For People Podcast Series: The Heart of Moral Leadership

Join us for Bishop Wright’s latest podcast series: The Heart of Moral Leadership. Moral leadership is critical in turbulent political times because it provides a compass for guiding people through uncertainty, promoting justice, and fostering unity. In periods of...