2024 Circle of Stewardship Workshop
The Commission on Stewardship for the Diocese of Atlanta invites you to attend Circle of Stewardship, a workshop for clergy and lay stewardship leaders.
The Circle of Stewardship is designed to mobilize clergy and lay leaders to develop stewardship resources, enabling parishes to worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually. This workshop will include the scriptural building blocks of Christian Stewardship, practical help for organizing your annual stewardship program, designs for tailoring stewardship communications to multigenerational groups, a detailed framework for implementing a comprehensive year-round stewardship program, and the importance of telling your story as a way to start a holy stewardship conversation in your parish.
There is no charge for this workshop, and lunch will be provided. Please use the links below to register online. If you have any questions, contact Tammy Pallot at tammypallot@gmail.com or (478) 954-5441.
We are excited about Stewardship and hope you will plan to join us and find out why!
Saturday, August 17, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Philip (2744 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30305).
In addition to the workshops listed above, the Commission on Stewardship is willing to provide a workshop for your parish, vestry, or stewardship team. Contact Tammy Pallot (tammypallot@gmail.com, 478-954-5441) for more information.