The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

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Observing Juneteenth

Observing Juneteenth

"Today is Juneteenth! Today we celebrate the gift of freedom though delayed but not denied. Nearly two years after the Emancipation Proclamation the news of freedom came to 250,000 people in Galveston, Texas. The Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing here in...

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In the News

Craig Melvin’s Family Home Repurposed as Transitional Housing

A house that has been in Craig Melvin’s family since it was built in 1950 was put up for auction to pay for medical bills — but Craig’s family bought it to keep it in the family. They decided it could be put to a greater purpose and it’s being leased to a nonprofit called Family Promise to provide transitional housing for families in need.

Healing the Wounds of the Vietnam War

Two perspectives on the 20th-century conflict look back, five decades after the fighting stopped, to discuss what was lost and what is remembered today.

As Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Grows, So Does Interest from a New Group: Chaplains

Research on the therapeutic use of psychedelics is underway at several universities, and data continues to accumulate on how they may help with conditions from PTSD to depression. And there’s increasing interest in that work from a group of professionals who already guide people through life’s deep and difficult times: chaplains.

Upcoming Events

For Faith Devotionals


The point, process and net effect of the Gospel of Jesus Christ working in us and through us is freedom. Freedom! Freedom from self-centeredness. Freedom from avarice. Freedom from fear. Freedom from fear of death. Freedom from hate. Freedom from isolation. Freedom...

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Harvest labor, Jesus says, is down into the fingernail-dirty corners of the world where the poor live who don’t often make it into our churches. It’s down into the muck of human relationships.

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Defeating Giants

David and Goliath is one of the best stories in the Bible. Spoiler alert! Goliath loses big to the teenager!

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Bishop Wright’s Podcast

For People, is a conversation in which Bishop Rob Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

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