Sep 7, 2023 | News
Join us for the release of a Bilingual Service recorded at Christ Church Norcross in collaboration with Imagine Worship. A service filled with music, testimonies, and a message from The Rev. Mimi Guerra. The service streams at 7p ET.
Nov 17, 2022 | News
After two years of pandemic-induced online sessions, Episcopalians from throughout Middle and North Georgia gathered in person on November 11 and 12 for the 116th Annual Council of the Diocese of Atlanta.
Sep 9, 2022 | For People, News
A Conversation with Choir Director of Mav City Music Jason McGee Choirs have and will always be an essential part of worship. You can look at a choir and find you in it. – Jason McGee There is a power communicated in a diverse choir that spans everything....