The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Sleepless nights happen. Seized by fear, Jacob planned and prayed, tossed and turned. He’d “wrestled” with God, humanity and himself until daybreak. He was changed by that long, hard night – his name and his stride. Now, he limped because of the wrestling. We are...


“Out-called” is who we are in Jesus. “Out-Called” from under the crush of the status quo. Out into a life of voluntary partnership with the Spirit. Out, beyond obligation, where joy is. “Out-called” we labor with Jesus in His stated purposes. Called out, we share the...


At the center of our worship there’s a table. From the table we serve a common meal. Common because it’s for everybody. Extraordinary because it’s for anybody. Just like God. Jesus loved a good dinner party, I like that about him. From a table he sprang toward the...


Jesus’ words and example cause us to stand. He calls to us and our bent over, broken and beleaguered days lose their death grip. His will for us overcomes our weariness. He stands for us and we can stand. We stand up because he stands beside us — in our fear, despair,...


Harvest labor is downward mobility. Down into the foundational things. “Harvest labor” Jesus said, not plantation owning. Down into the fingernail dirty corners of the world. Of Georgia. Down into the muck of human relationships.On our better days, when we set...


The imaginations of the true laborers belong to God. They have seen God do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, and so they trust. They trust that God, as the still point of the circle, is drawing the circle of harvest wider and wider and they want in!Laborers...


There is a labor shortage in the kingdom of God.  True laborers are few, Jesus said.  What does it take to be a true harvest laborer?  Foremost, the harvest laborer is sent by God in partnership with people of faith.  They go in joyful bold...

A Way Forward

Though we sing on Sunday, “Join hands disciples … whatever your race may be!” — by the close of worship, it seems we have a double mind. Faced with this reality, you and I are invited to, “… repent and return to The Lord.” Our “more...

No Less

With so much conversation about race in these last days, let us remember the work of dismantling racism and being agents of racial reconciliation is the work of all baptized people. We follow Jesus who gave His life for love, truth and justice. No less is required of...


“Harvest “ – a word that speaks of abundance and opportunity.  A word that implies planting and watering has already happened and now the fruit of these labors is ready for the gathering.  God alone could do all of this, but God has decided to include us in...