The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

The Latest News

The Rev. Colin Brown Called as Head Chaplain at The Lovett School

Two Diocese of Atlanta priests have been hired as chaplains at The Lovett School in Atlanta. The Rev. Colin Brown will serve as head chaplain at the private school and The Rev. Ashley Carr will be Lovett’s Middle School chaplain Lovett Head of School Meredyth Cole said in an announcement.

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In the News

After Church Donation, Family Promise Offers First Transitional Home

A recent donation to Family Promise of North Fulton/DeKalb will give two families in need of transitional housing a place to call home early next year. Family Promise is a nationwide nonprofit that fights homelessness by providing resources, transitional housing, and support to struggling families.

The Urgent Need for Mental Health Awareness in the Church

We must equip our clergy with the necessary skills to identify signs and symptoms of mental health issues and to respond effectively to these indicators. In an effort to do so, General Convention 80 directed the Task Force on Individuals with Mental Illness to develop a comprehensive curriculum for clergy in mental health awareness.

Backpack Buddies, St. Paul’s Newnan Strive to End Childhood Hunger

Volunteers from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church helped Backpack Buddies pack and deliver more than 500 bags of food to underprivileged children in Coweta County… The volunteers packed bags full of various food items from community donations or the Atlanta Food Bank and purchased them from Sam’s Club.

Upcoming Events

For Faith Devotionals


Thank God for those in our midst who have Isaiah’s gift- those who have strength, clarity and compassion enough to lend because they themselves have been sustained by others and the One who is “…the giver of every good gift.”

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Exploitation and manipulation of any person is an offense to God. But, according to Scripture, the exploitation and manipulation of the poor particularly displeases God.

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Here’s to the men and women who: work long hours, serve and protect, go the extra mile, dig the ditches, stay on their feet all day, build, heal, teach, plant and harvest.

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Bishop Wright’s Podcast

For People, is a conversation in which Bishop Rob Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

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