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Celebrating 50 Years of Women in the Priesthood: The Rev. Claiborne E. Jones

Celebrating 50 Years of Women in the Priesthood: The Rev. Claiborne E. Jones

The Rev. E. Claiborne Jones, a trailblazer in The Episcopal Church, was the first woman to serve as rector in the Deep South. Ordained as a deacon in 1978 and as a priest in 1979, she brought visionary leadership to Epiphany Episcopal Church in Atlanta, where she served as rector for 19½ years.

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For Faith Devotionals


Change theory is a strategy, set of actions, and conditions to facilitate change. Each year, corporations and non-profit organizations alike invest multiple meeting hours and millions of dollars in an attempt to facilitate change.

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Thanksgiving 2024

To give thanks to God is a sublime act. It is a defiant lifestyle. A thankful life demonstrates that we understand the balance of our agency and our interdependence- our strength and our vulnerability.

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The King is Here!

We are tragically driven by fear, but fear in no way motivates His perspective or actions. “So you are a King?” Pilate asked Jesus. We say Yes! He is our King!

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Bishop Wright’s Podcast

For People, is a conversation in which Bishop Rob Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

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