The Latest News
A Look Back at 2024
Beloved, I am so proud of you and so proud to be bishop of The Diocese of Atlanta. Every year I am reminded of the witness we bear to one another and to our neighbors across Middle and North Georgia. I continue to believe that we have the finest bishop’s staff of...
Bishop Wright Calls The Rev. Hazel Glover to Serve as Canon Chaplain
Bishop Wright has called The Rev. Canon Hazel Glover to serve as the next Canon Chaplain for clergy of The Diocese of Atlanta.
JNSA2: A Year of Growth, Impact, and Partnership
With an amazingly talented staff, a supportive parish, and enthusiastic parents, JNSA2 has made remarkable strides in its first year. As it continues to grow, the program promises to uplift students, families, and the wider community, fulfilling its mission of using the arts to inspire, educate, and transform lives.
Four Deacons and One Priest Ordained by Bishop Wright
As members and friends of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta filled The Cathedral of St. Philip December 14, 2024, to celebrate the ordination of four deacons and a priest Bishop Rob Wright delivered a thought-provoking exploration of the significance of the ministry of John the Baptist.
Application Open for Pilgrimage to Cape Coast
The next pilgrimage to our companion diocese, The Anglican Diocese of Cape Coast, is April 30 through May 8, 2025. Since 2017, we've shared pilgrims to foster racial reconciliation and renew our commitment to fight against the sin of racism.
Episcopal Community Foundation Brings Seasons Greetings
Greetings this Advent season! We are thrilled to share that the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia (ECF) gave more than $134,000 to our parishes and their nonprofit partners in 2024.
160 Confirmed, Received, or Reaffirmed at Diocesan Confirmation
More than 600 gathered on December 8, 2024, at the Cathedral of St. Philip to celebrate 160 people from across The Diocese being confirmed, received, or reaffirmed.
Celebrating 50 Years of Women in the Priesthood: The Rev. Ashley Carr
The Reverend Ashley Carr is the most recently the Vicar of Holy Comforter Episcopal Church (Atlanta) in Ormewood Park before moving to the The Cathedral of St. Philip as Canon for Parish Life.
Emmaus House End-of-Year Giving Campaign
Donations to Emmaus House provide the ability to rise and meet each new moment. As individuals and families plan their giving this year, Emmaus House hopes they will continue to invest in the Peoplestown community by helping them reach the $75,000 fundraising goal.
Craft Center Inspired by Atlanta’s ‘Woodworking Bishop’ Marks 25 Years
The folk school founded by the late Rt. Rev. Frank K. Allan, eighth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, his wife Elizabeth, and long-time assistant, Glenna Smith recently celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Have News or Events to Share?
If you have news stories or upcoming event announcements you would like to share with the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, please use the form at the link below to send to us.
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In the News
How Kim Jackson Navigates LGBTQ Legislation as Georgia’s Only Openly Gay Senator
Four years after making history by being elected as Georgia’s first openly gay senator, Kim Jackson is continuing the work of advocating for the LGBTQ community.
Rev. Bowers’ Legacy Lives On in Atlanta Ministries and Services
Known for pushing daring ideas to serve others and honor God, the Rev. Tom Bowers didn’t just talk about change — he made it happen.
Metro Atlanta Church Providing Free School Uniforms for Families in Need
Organizers of the third annual Uniform Giveaway at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Midtown Atlanta say that the need for school uniforms has never been greater, so they’re taking action.
Deputation Reflections From the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky
We must equip our clergy with the necessary skills to identify signs and symptoms of mental health issues and to respond effectively to these indicators. In an effort to do so, General Convention 80 directed the Task Force on Individuals with Mental Illness to develop...
The Urgent Need for Mental Health Awareness in the Church
We must equip our clergy with the necessary skills to identify signs and symptoms of mental health issues and to respond effectively to these indicators. In an effort to do so, General Convention 80 directed the Task Force on Individuals with Mental Illness to develop a comprehensive curriculum for clergy in mental health awareness.
Backpack Buddies, St. Paul’s Newnan Strive to End Childhood Hunger
Volunteers from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church helped Backpack Buddies pack and deliver more than 500 bags of food to underprivileged children in Coweta County… The volunteers packed bags full of various food items from community donations or the Atlanta Food Bank and purchased them from Sam’s Club.
Holy Innocents’ Students Fill Backpacks for Kids in Summer Program
Nearly 100 fourth and sixth graders from Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School spent part of a recent Saturday afternoon creating summer backpacks for students enrolled in the Horizons Atlanta summer program at the school.
All Saints Warner Robins Makes Significant Donation to Homeless Shelter
The city of Warner Robins’ ongoing homelessness outreach initiative had a divinely timed gift at their last council meeting. On Jan. 16, the city received a gift from All Saints Episcopal Church: 200 bags filled with hygiene items, warm accessories like scarves, gloves, and hats, as well as hand warmers.
Atlanta Church Inaugurates New Homes for the Homeless with Blessings on Ash Wednesday
Rev. Kim Jackson’s joyful, confident voice echoed outside of a matte black shipping container… Jackson stood next to Jim Thompson and blessed his new home. They’re with the Church of the Common Ground, a church without walls that serves the homeless, and they celebrated Thompson’s new home.
Episcopal Church’s Economic Justice Loan Committee Invests in Six Community Loan Funds
Honoring its commitment to share resources in ways that prioritize those who have been disenfranchised and oppressed, the Economic Justice Loan Committee of The Episcopal Church approved six investments in 2023 totaling $2.35 million.
Upcoming Events
For Faith Devotionals
Either we bless ourselves or curse ourselves by our choices. Either we bless ourselves by deciding to be coachable by God or we curse ourselves by being heedless to God.
I know prayer and faithful action are their own reward, but expectations seem to matter with God. Expectation is the first-born child of faith, it is “the substance of things hoped for….”
Jesus suffered, abandonment, rejection, betrayal, abuse, grief and finally murder. He even wondered if his suffering meant that he was “forsaken.”
Bishop Wright’s Podcast
For People, is a conversation in which Bishop Rob Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on For Faith, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.
The Latest Episode…

For People: Abundant Life for All With The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop, ELCA
God made each of us for an abundant life, but that isn’t the world we live in. To strive for an abundance of life for all people is to actively take up your faith and civic responsibility!