The book of Job has 42 chapters, but I especially love the ending. You know, the part where God asks Job questions that only God knows the answer to. “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Can you number the clouds? Does the hawk fly by your wisdom,...
We weep. We lament. We grumble. For the loss of life and livelihood. For the loss of normalcy. All due to Covid. This virus, this disease, has laid us low. You already know this. Still, what I want to ask is, where would we be without Jesus in this pandemic? When...
I was adopted in November of 1964 by Earl and Charlene Wright. Both were born this month. Both are deceased now. Just this year, I located and met my birth mother! I’ve learned, I am African, Irish and German. My Irish and German ancestors have been in this country...
Some people pray to God to be planted on higher ground. Others pray to be spared from descending paths. Both players have their place. David looked around one day and noticed that his feet had landed on “level ground.” He’d had his share of ups and downs and twisting...
Esther is one of the coolest stories in the Bible. Not sure why Netflix or Hulu hasn’t done a contemporary version yet. It’s a story about brilliant and bright women and a ruthless enemy. There isn’t much explicit God-talk in the book. God is assumed, and so is human...
Jesus is always on the move. He’s at the shore. At a dinner party. On a boat. In the Temple. His earthly life and his resurrected life are full of passing through. While he moves, he carries his pain – he knows his end. He keeps moving, carrying his joy –...
Jesus’ half-brother James has a book in the New Testament named for him. Twelve teachings make up the book. The big idea for James is to call God’s people to wholehearted devotion. For him, the heart and the tongue are connected. You can control a horse’s whole body...
God loves to make God’s children wealthy! Of course I’m not talking about praying for the winning Powerball ticket or even some kind of prosperity gospel. I’m talking about how God’s life-giving word leads us to life riches. Many are the tales of those who have all...