The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Oct 29, 2021

Adversity reveals the quality and theology of our determination. That’s the center of the Book of Ruth. A woman, Naomi, loses her husband and her sons and is left with her two daughters-in-law. In an act of compassion, Naomi releases these two women, Orpah and Ruth, to go find their next chapters in life. Orpah reluctantly leaves, Ruth doesn’t, she’s determined-determined to remain family, despite adversity. Determined to continue the journey, though everything seems uncertain, even the next meal. But, Ruth says to Naomi, “Where you go, I will go; Where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” She’s determined. But a few verses before those beautiful lines Naomi reveals the center of her determination despite her grief. “She had heard, in a faraway country, that the Lord had considered his people and given them food.” She is determined to experience the Lord’s determination to bless his people. That’s where the adventure begins for Naomi, Ruth and us.

Ruth 1:1-18

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

The podcast expands on Bishop’s For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.


La adversidad revela la cualidad y teología de nuestra determinación. Ese es el centro del Libro de Rut. Una mujer, Noemí, pierde a su esposo e hijos y se queda con sus nueras. En un acto de compasión, Noemí libera a estas dos mujeres, Orfa y Rut, para que vayan a buscar sus próximos capítulos en la vida. Orfa se va de mala gana, Ruth no, está decidida a seguir siendo familia, a pesar de la adversidad. Resuelta a continuar el viaje, aunque todo parece incierto, incluso la próxima comida. Pero, Rut le dice a Noemí: “Porque iré adonde tú vayas, y viviré donde tú vivas. Tu pueblo será mi pueblo, y tu Dios será mi Dios”. Ella está decidida. Pero unos pocos versículos antes de esas hermosas líneas, Noemí revela el centro de su determinación a pesar de su dolor. “Ella había oído, en un país lejano, que el Señor había considerado a su pueblo y les había dado de comer”. Está dispuesta a experimentar la determinación del Señor de bendecir a su pueblo. Ahí es donde comienza la aventura para Noemí, Rut y nosotros.

Rut 1:1-18