Stewardship is using the gifts God has given us to do the work God is calling us to do.
The Stewardship Blog
The Faithful Ordering of Our Finances
How do we faithfully order our finances? One way is to take time to write down the income we expect to receive in the coming year and how we plan to use this income.
This does not need to be super detailed, but a list of the broad areas of spending – and saving and giving – with the dollar amount and the percentage of income that is going toward each area.
While it is true that some families cannot predict their income or expenses in the coming year, it’s a good practice to sketch it out as best you can. The faithful ordering of our finances means we try to make changes if needed so that we can take care of our families’ basic needs and a reasonable amount of ‘wants,’ save money, and give a meaningful amount away for the good of others.
Our aim may be to increase the amount we give to the church, and if that’s not doable right away, take heart. This is a process, and it may take a few years or more to make the adjustments you’re aiming for, but that is true of many worthwhile, faithful endeavors.
Stewardship During the Season of Epiphany
Epiphany is a quiet time in the year of the Church. This makes it a perfect time to plan your Stewardship Program for the year.
You cannot start too early. A well-developed stewardship program requires time. You are given time during the season of Epiphany.
Where to begin
Invite Stewardship Committee Members
Invite members of the parish to serve on the Stewardship Committee. It is important that the committee be a diverse representation of the congregation which will oversee the planning and implementation. Invite the Rector to be a member.
Determine your theme.
Develop a compelling stewardship program that resonates with the congregation, reflecting the current church focus of mission and vision. Select scripture passages that align with the choice. Build upon this for stewardship activities.
Design your program.
Lay out your plan for the year. Keep in mind the three prongs of time, talent, and treasure.
Emphasize the spiritual dimension of stewardship, linking generous giving to a deeper relationship with God.
Determine dates.
Campaign launch. Set a clear start date for the stewardship program with a well-planned kickoff event.
Consider whom to ask to speak if this is part of your plan.
Incorporate regular stewardship-focused sermons throughout the year, highlighting various aspects of giving and the impact on your community.
Keep in mind the three-prongs of Time, Talent, and Treasure, determining when and how to present.
Designate a specific Sunday for parishioners to submit their pledges. Use a separate plate for the pledges to be brought to the altar along with the collection plate.
Present to the Vestry.
Attend a vestry meeting to present the plan. Ask the vestry for their commitment in writing to make a pledge, and their commitment to pray. Ask the vestry to choose a prayer that reflects the chosen stewardship theme (provide suggestions). The prayer will be included in the Sunday bulletins and the parish newsletters, as well as all communications from the committee to the parish.
Stewardship Commission – Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta
TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship)
Contact Stewardship Commission for login information.
Caffeinated Church – Episcopal Diocese of Colorado
Contact Stewardship Commission for login information.
Stewardship is Using God’s Gifts to Do God’s Work
Stewardship is using the gifts God has given us to do the work God is calling us to do.
What are the gifts God has given us?
At our baptism, the celebrant prays for specific gifts for us from the Lord in the Spirit, including an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and love God, and the gift of joy and wonder in all God’s works.
What is the work God is calling us to do with our gifts?
We find the answer in Matthew 25:35-36: For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
When are we to use the gifts?
All year round.
Year-round stewardship takes stewardship out of the “annual occurrence” category and places it where it should be – right in front of us, all year round.
Year-round stewardship strengthens and supports members of the congregation in their knowledge and understanding of their roles as God’s stewards.
Year-round stewardship means that a parish actively promotes and integrates the concept of stewardship throughout the entire year, not just during a specific campaign. This allows for a deeper understanding and practice of stewardship theology among its members, which strengthens their commitment to be responsible stewards of all God has given them.
Research shows us that giving – whether it is time, money, or even just a kind gesture – can significantly contribute to happiness of the giver. It activates reward centers in the brain, creating a positive feeling often referred to as the “helper’s high.
Resources for developing your own year-round stewardship plan include:
The Episcopal Diocese Of Atlanta’s Stewardship Commission. The commission provides a number of stewardship resources, including workshops during the year.
Visit the Stewardship Commission Page
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) offers webinars to help prepare stewardship leaders for pledge campaigns and year-round stewardship. These are available to dioceses, vestries, and stewardship committees. Our Diocese of Atlanta provides free access to TENS. (Contact Tammy Pallot (tammypallot@gmail.com) for the password.
Our Lives Are In the Offering Plate
I’ve been thinking about the offertory sentence(s) we hear on Sunday mornings in church.
The celebrant on any Sunday will choose one of ten offertory sentences. You can find these on page 376 of The Book of Common Prayer (BCP).
The Rubrics state: The Celebrant may begin the Offertory with one of the sentences…”. The ushers then come forward to receive the offering plates, which are them passed to the congregation.
After the collection, the offerings of bread and wine, and money or other gifts are given to the celebrant. The celebrant may or may not place the plate on the altar. If they do, it remains in parishioners sight until almost the end of the service.
As parishioners come forward to receive the bread and wine, the visible offering plates are a reminder of those gifts received from and given to God.
The offertory sentences are a good way to teach about stewardship in a parish. Consider a bible study, or a reflection, on each sentence.
Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and make your vows to the to the Most High. Psalm 50:14
Ascribe to the Lord the honor due his Name; bring offeringsand come into his courts. Psalm 96:8
Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2
I appeal to you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present yourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1
If you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and the come and offer your gift: Matthew 5:23,24
Through Christ let us continually offer to God the sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his Name. But do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews: 13:15,16
Or Lord our God, you are worthy to receive glory and honor and powers; because you have created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being. Revelation 4:11
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. For everyti9ng in heaven and on earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom, and you are exalted as head over all. 1 Chronicles 29:11
Let us with gladness present the offerings and oblations of our life and labor to the Lord.
I invite you to visit page 376 of the BCP and read through the sentences.
Which sentence do you hear most often in your parish?
When you hear your rector or deacon speak these words, how are you moved?
Which sentence do YOU hear when you think about giving?
What is God calling us to give? God is calling us to give Our Whole Lives.
The Response
Just when you think you have “wrapped up” your parish stewardship program… wait, there’s more!
What is your response to your stewardship campaign?
Before you put your campaign results on the shelf, take some time with your Stewardship Committee and Vestry to understand how your campaign performed, what trends you might uncover in generosity, and how your message was received by your members. Asking a few questions now can help your congregation plan for the coming year’s campaign.
It is important for the committee to meet a few weeks after the end of the campaign to discuss, and to consider the response of parishioners to the stewardship program.
TENS, The Episcopal Network for Stewardship, suggests the following when you examine your campaign success:
- How much did you raise from how many gifts?
- How many new gifts did the campaign receive?
- How many households increased their giving?
- How many households decreased their giving?
- How many pledge cards stayed the same?
- If you use electronic giving, did the number using it increase?
- Did anyone indicate that they would like information on planned giving or including the church their estate plans?
Then present the results to the parish. You are encouraged to share pledge data with your congregation.
A helpful graphic that shows the results of your campaign looks like this:
The Pyramid helps us understand giving patterns. It particularly shows how the giving total is impacted by each level of giving. How do the smallest gifts combine to create a solid base for our campaign? How do the largest gifts enable our ministry?
The next step for the Stewardship Committee is to meet monthly, or every other month. Regularly. Stewardship is not simply a campaign in the fall; it is year-round. Regular committee meetings offer the opportunity to:
- Plan ways to keep stewardship on the minds of your parishioners.
- Use the parish newsletter, social media platforms, and the church website to tell the stories about how church ministries throughout the year are made possible through the generosity of parishioners.
- Present opportunities for parishioners to use their time and talent to share in church activities, programs, outreach, and more.
- Consider having a chairperson for the annual stewardship program, and a chairperson for year-round stewardship activities.
Be sure you take full advantage of all TENS offers to help you develop and enact the best stewardship programs for your parish. Sign-up for webinars. Learn about techniques and expertise to help you offer stewardship campaigns for this year and for years to follow. TENS offers webinars throughout the year.
The Diocese of Atlanta’s Stewardship Commission is a valuable resource for your stewardship committee. We offer workshops during the year and are always available for conversations about stewardship. Contact Tammy Pallot, Tammy Pallot <tammypallot@gmail.com>, for questions, and suggestions you may have. We are your stewardship resource in your diocese. Together we are partners in bringing the good news of our gratitude to God, and how to turn that gratitude into action through sharing our abundance with our neighbors, our community, and our parish.
You will find a Toolkit for Evaluating Stewardship Campaign Performance at TENS.org. The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta has provided a TENS members for every parish. For more information about TENS and how to login with the password, contact Ginny Heckel gheckel@wt.net, a member of the Stewardship Commission.
Ginny Heckel, Stewardship Commission member.