The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Children of Grace is Flushing Away Cancer

The Children of Grace (COG) preschool at Grace Episcopal Church in Gainesville is holding a fundraiser for the month of September in honor of Childhood Cancer Month. Unfortunately, the 2016-2017 school year brings two children to the school who have been diagnosed...


“Out-called” is who we are in Jesus. “Out-Called” from under the crush of the status quo. Out into a life of voluntary partnership with the Spirit. Out, beyond obligation, where joy is. “Out-called” we labor with Jesus in His stated purposes. Called out, we share the...


At the center of our worship there’s a table. From the table we serve a common meal. Common because it’s for everybody. Extraordinary because it’s for anybody. Just like God. Jesus loved a good dinner party, I like that about him. From a table he sprang toward the...

66th annual Sewanee Church Music Conference

This year’s conference was held from Monday, July 11 through Sunday, July 17, 2016. The conference took place on the campus of the University of the South, as well as at its School of Theology, located in Sewanee, Tennesse. The conference offers...


Jesus’ words and example cause us to stand. He calls to us and our bent over, broken and beleaguered days lose their death grip. His will for us overcomes our weariness. He stands for us and we can stand. We stand up because he stands beside us — in our fear, despair,...