The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


They call Mary’s song/poem/rap the “Magnificat.” For many of us, it hits the ear the way hot chocolate hits the throat on a cold day. But, that’s only if we aren’t paying attention. Did you know Mary’s song/poem/rap was outlawed in more than a few...


I guess I’m getting old. You read something and an image or song comes to mind that’s dated. That dates you. I hear John the Baptist’s story and I think of Perry Mason. Only the old folks will get that, the rest of you, well, thank God for Google. I see him standing...


Being a follower of Jesus is choosing to be foolish. Not a fool, but foolish. A fool is someone who has been duped or ignorant. Being foolish for and with Jesus is neither of those things. It’s the opposite of those things. Foolish is a wisdom that flows from knowing...


They say “that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” But, 2020 has been tough. And we’re not out of the woods yet. It’s been easier to pay attention to racism, politics, or public health than to pay attention...
The Goal

The Goal

“The form, the teaching, the truth moves you beyond the form. Like there’s an arc, or a movement, or a trajectory in the words. If you take them seriously, they take you somewhere. The forms aren’t the goal, the goal is an experience of Spirit. I began to see that you...


9 Things You Can Do to Heal The Nation Today 1. Pray for the nation; pray for President Trump and for President-elect Biden. 2. Be kind in speech and actions especially with those with whom you disagree. 3. Grant Jesus’ request to “ pray for enemies and bless those...


By the time you read this, our Country will have chosen a President…maybe. It’s a sacred responsibility to be able to participate in making a choice like that. In choosing we give voice to our values, our priorities, and our allegiances. In choosing, we commit our...


Ghosts and Goblins, costumes, masks, tricks, treats, and frights are all part of Halloween. Halloween’s thrill is to feel scared without actually experiencing any real danger or threat. Candy too. But, what’s scary for me, aren’t the ghosts and goblins but the...


Following Jesus, proclaiming Jesus, loving like Jesus has always elicited opposition. St. Paul makes this clear in the first letter he ever wrote. The first thing he says that causes opposition is speaking in a fashion that puts pleasing God above pleasing people....


We talk about God as being Almighty-matchless in power! Think of God also as having the greatest range-peerless in scope, span, and sweep of love. Cue the Diana Ross hit, “Ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough… to keep me from you.” That’s what...