The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


“We have left everything and followed you,” Peter told Jesus. People talk like that when they’re in transition. Like being between coming too far to turn back and far from your destination. Like investing but not seeing any sign of return yet. People call that place...

Soars & Dives

Awe soars and gratitude dives. Awe is that soft, climbing certainty that the universe has a benevolent wisdom. Awe creates the moment when we know we are made to be partners with the Divine, one another and every created thing. Awe situates us comfortably among all...


What is the sound of the Genuine? It’s just a way of talking about God – the most genuine. The most whole. The most authentic. God. Superior in consciousness. Matchless in knowing. Source of all there is. Author of the visible and the invisible. More ubiquitous than...


We are All citizens of God’s Kingdom and one American family. I pray in the days ahead we will distinguish ourselves as people utterly committed to reconciliation in thought, word and deed. Rancor and vitriol destroy fellowship, but “a soft answer turns...


Prayer is not magic incantation. Prayer is focused incarnation – the focused incarnation of godliness that resides in me. Prayer is what I use to grow up. Prayer breaks indifference. Prayer is sitting and sifting the layers of who and what I am as I find the...


Life with Jesus is full of pivot points. Some people pivot to him because they want to see what all the fuss is about. Some pivot when they hear his call. Some pivot to Jesus because they sense he could be the only one who sees them beyond their chronic sins. Some...


His prayer had two parts: Tell God how good you are. Look down on others. For all his right deeds, he got it wrong. He didn’t need God’s mercy to lift him. He lifted himself. Our good ought to lift people’s eyes to God. The good we are able to do is evidence of...


Sleepless nights happen. Seized by fear, Jacob planned and prayed, tossed and turned. He’d “wrestled” with God, humanity and himself until daybreak. He was changed by that long, hard night – his name and his stride. Now, he limped because of the wrestling. We are...


The Samaritan was the only one who gave thanks to Jesus for his healing. And, it was a Samaritan woman who Jesus had his longest conversation with. It is a Samaritan who starred in Jesus’ epic story about being a good neighbor. Jesus talked to people outside of his...

A Word to the Church for the World

We lament the stark joylessness that marks our present time. We decry angry political rhetoric which rages while fissures widen within society along racial, economic, educational, religious, cultural and generational lines. We refuse to look away as poverty, cruelty...