The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Leadership Development Opportunities

For Lay Leaders Called to Lead is a day of lay leadership development designed for parish vestries, wardens and treasurers. All lay leaders, including members of finance and stewardship committees, are invited to this workshop. Bishop Wright teaches the model of...


  We invite all Vergers and those that are interested in the ministry of the Verger to attend the Winter Assembly meeting.  The Assembly will begin with Holy Eucharist celebrated by Bishop Whitmore, assisted by The Rev. Kim Jackson.  After a group...

Epiphany is for Seeker and Believer Alike

Every story we tell represents a light. That light, your story, represents you. But what about all the light we cannot see? What about other people’s story and stories? What about their lives?Epiphany teaches us that our narratives are wrapped up in God’s ultimate...

The Bigger Picture of Christmas

And the Word became flesh and lived among us. ~John 1:14“Take a step back,” my Dad called out to me. “You’re standing too close. Take a step back, and you can see it better.” We were visiting the Art Institute of Chicago, and what IT turned out to be was Georges...

Church of the Common Ground Celebrates 10th Anniversary

ATLANTA – In the heart of Southeast’s largest city, people of different races, economic classes and creeds will gather together in Woodruff Park on December 24 at 1 p.m. to celebrate the spirit of the season and to share the Common Ground of their...

“WE” at the 110th Annual Council

Clergy and lay delegates to Annual Council 2016 met November 18-19 to celebrate “WE” as a diocese.  Hosted by the Southwest Atlanta Convocation, the event had over 450 people gathered at the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park for the 110th...

Diocesan Wide Book Study for 2017

The Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism is inviting all parishes in our Diocese to read Living Into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America. This volume, which is edited by Catherine Meeks, consist of essays from her and six other...

The Advent Season

Serving Saint Julian’s Episcopal Church in Douglasville, the Rev. Brandon Duke offers his reflection on what Advent means to Christians and how we can use this season to connect with the Divine.“Traditionally, the Season of Advent represents the preparation and...