The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
Friday Friend

Friday Friend

From his Friday to ours and because of his Friday take heart, you have a Friday Friend! “To trust God in the light is nothing but trust him in the dark that is faith.”

King of Palms and Curses

King of Palms and Curses

It’s time to ask ourselves, what kind of friend are we to Jesus? The actual Jesus. Maybe friendship with Jesus looks like us simply refusing the temptation to make him in our image.



What must I do to die a good death? You see, the great irony is that those of us who struggle with the fear of death also really struggle with the fear of living life abundantly.



Jesus coming among us is God’s love-errand, so that we wouldn’t “perish” or be “condemned” but have “eternal life.” That is life beyond biological definition now, and life so long and deep that years fail as a measurement tool.



For Jesus, the Temple was a “house of prayer,” for some others it was a “marketplace.” Jesus felt so strongly about that gap that he made a whip and drove animals and people out of the Temple.



Remember whether we’re talking work, marriage, learning or life with God, the familiar should come with a warning label! The familiar can become a rut and a rut can become a grave.



Remember whether we’re talking work, marriage, learning or life with God, the familiar should come with a warning label! The familiar can become a rut and a rut can become a grave.

A Different Life

A Different Life

God is greater than all the graves we can encounter! Because, “…in death life is changed, not ended.” We might not be Lazarus, but Jesus still makes all the difference between life and death.

Seeing Differently

Seeing Differently

Seeing like Jesus makes the difference. That is implied in every story about Jesus in the New Testament. Still we should ask, what does it mean to see like Jesus?

Different Water

Different Water

Living water knows that God is more than how and where we worship. Living water knows that even God is thirsty! God is thirsty for God’s children to worship in Spirit and truth.