What must I do to die a good death? You see, the great irony is that those of us who struggle with the fear of death also really struggle with the fear of living life abundantly.
What must I do to die a good death? You see, the great irony is that those of us who struggle with the fear of death also really struggle with the fear of living life abundantly.
Jesus coming among us is God’s love-errand, so that we wouldn’t “perish” or be “condemned” but have “eternal life.” That is life beyond biological definition now, and life so long and deep that years fail as a measurement tool.
For Jesus, the Temple was a “house of prayer,” for some others it was a “marketplace.” Jesus felt so strongly about that gap that he made a whip and drove animals and people out of the Temple.
What we are left to wonder in the final analysis is, was this man’s infirmity ever actually in his limbs or was it always in his attitude? From Jesus’ lips to this man’s life, wholeness is born. Isn’t the same available to us?
God created time but lives beyond time. God enters and occupies time as God sees fit but is not bound by time like you and I. Which means time is a gift- a delivery system to deliver the gift of God’s own self!
Rather than read along as we normally do, go sentence by sentence and write down the facets of God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit on display.