The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


We walk by faith! Yet, a life of faith produces knowing. From tradition and experiences we develop a character sketch of God. God discovered through faith guides our belief in God for tomorrow. There’s a knowing. On a walk, Paul noticed a memorial to an “unknown” god....


The Psalms are poetry. The words come from ordinary people’s experiences of God. They imagine God for and with the community of faith. The Psalms sustain and supercharge hope in God. They urge us to seek and know God for ourselves. They share, we are reminded, and our...

Big Four

The baptized pledge to, “…continue in the apostles teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers.” The big four! Each shapes our community. Each needs the other for depth. Notice, fellowship is bookended by the apostles’ teaching and the...

God Story

Most folks have a God story. Most are reluctant to tell theirs for fear of seeming weak-minded or childish. Yet, we have them. The Resurrection of Jesus is a God story. It will never be more than that. It will always shake hands with doubt. Still, that God did the...


After Jesus is raised, he attacks locked doors and fear with peace. His friends hid behind locked doors. “…they were locked because of fear.” If Christ is Risen in us, then the locked doors we hide behind will be unlocking. Great faith and fear...

Easter Sunday

Easter is like our annual spiritual checkup. A check-in. God is radically active in the world, even athletic: Healing. Unbinding. Defying logic. Of that there is no doubt. The question lies with us. Is our heart still supple? Is our imagination still limber like when...

After Words

After Jesus spoke he acted. There’s no idleness to his speech. His prayers climaxed with action not amen. This is what we celebrate on the Friday we call Good. His blood sacrifice makes this Friday more memorable than any other Friday, nothing else. Intimacy with God...


Palm Sunday makes me feel ridiculous! But, I continue with this absurdity because ridiculous is the point! This silly parade is meant to question all the other ridiculousness of our lives, culture and world. That was Jesus’ original intention – to show us that...


God knows precisely the length of time it takes to make a redwood, or a universe, or a soul. And, God knows how long it takes to make God’s glory shine so we can see it – and know we’ve seen it. Jesus didn’t rush frantically to Lazarus’ sick...


Mud and spit caused a man to see. That’s the story. Dirt and spit! Yuck! It’s not hard for me to believe that disgusting things can make miracles. I’ve seen babies born. Seen pain become joy. Watched a cancer diagnosis make marriage vows come alive....