The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Thank God for the poets behind Psalm 19– the folks who hid words of life in plain sight. Their poetry points to what is necessary for the “flawless restoration of the soul.” They give the chapter and verse about how God makes the simple, wise and leads the willing...


Jesus told dangerous stories. Stories about hope founded in God and not the market. Stories about abnormal generosity that commend sharing not accumulation. Religious people were always uncomfortable speaking and listening to Jesus then. Imagine that, uncomfortable...


There’s a gift in Jesus stories. Each one reminds us how usual we are. How quid pro quo the world that we have designed is. How too often life is cold, scared, prose. Into this world–the world of our usual brutalities–comes the saving poet, Jesus! His stories seduce...


On their journey towards freedom. In a whirl of uncertainty. With extreme danger pursuing. Entangled by fear. Even tempted to give up the gift of liberation. Moses spoke two words to his fellow travelers, “stand firm.” Firm, not rigid. Rigid is inelastic. Rigid...


Not the opposite of tight. But, loose, as in what we release into the world. Loose like what we sustain or reject. People have immense spiritual power. Immense. The universe has a mathematical precision to it. Our action or inaction creates reality. Sowing dictates...


Profound images of loss surround us. We can turn the TV off but the loss remains. Rather than face loss, we deny it or euphem-ize it. Just like Jesus’ friends of old. Yes, denial and euphemism temporarily dull pain, but ultimately they are a stumbling block to depth,...


The scientists call it neuroplasticity. It means our brains are always learning. It means we are not damned to habit, upbringing or culture. It means if we choose and rehearse generosity, interdependence and joy the brain will make those connections. God’s mercy is in...


Watching what you eat is important. Watching what you say is paramount. NO invitation to be politically correct here. This is deeper. What comes to the mouth is born in the heart, Jesus said. From the mouth it rides on breath, becomes action and finds allies…...


All doubt. It’s a human thing. Still, Jesus asks the question, “why did YOU doubt?” We doubt for at least three reasons: lack of information, lack of experience or fear. How about you? Being curious about why we doubt can cause our faith to grow. What information do...


“On a cosmic level, despite all of the pain, evil and degradation in the world, like many people, I nevertheless believe that the universe is ultimately tilted toward good. This is what Dr. King meant when he said that ‘the moral arc of the universe is long, but it...