The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


People say “wow” a lot in conversations today. Have you noticed that? Mostly it’s an expression of polite interest. But wow is a spiritual state. Wow is the grandchild of awe and majesty. Wow is how we respond to beauty, immensity and complexity. Wow...


When I rest, I feel so good, such that I don’t know why I don’t rest more. Summertime, for many, brings a slowdown. I pray that you will use this slowdown to rest your minds, bodies and souls this summer.Rabbi Abraham Heschel reminds us, “Labor is a...


He must have been desperate. Leaders of the upper class don’t seek out low-class street preachers unless they’re desperate. His daughter was dying. Parents will do anything to save their children. Parents who don’t pray will pray. Those who have been indifferent to...


People remember Jesus calmed the wind and the sea with a phrase, “Peace! Be still!” What is less remembered is Jesus taught his followers to be able to do the same. “Where is your faith?” Jesus asked them. Following Jesus is about taking up agency. It’s about Jesus...


If God were a shape, I bet God would be round. Like a squiggly chalk circle drawn by a small child. Or, maybe even a big lavender-colored bubble. Round and whole, without end, always expanding. Gaining ground. Consuming everything that is loveless. Reversing the...


What is lovable about Jesus is he’s undeterred. He mobilized people of all kinds in his God enterprise. He drew and affected crowds that organized religion couldn’t or wouldn’t. This caused people to want to “restrain” him. Even his family. We do that, don’t we? We...


God is a song that needs a choir, not just sections or soloists. The Christian needs the Jew, the Muslim, the Hindu, the Buddhist and the “spiritual but not religious.” We need the scientist, the agnostic and the atheist. Without a commitment to listen to each other...

The Way

“Imagine our homes and families where love is the way. Imagine our neighborhoods and communities where love is the way. Imagine our governments and nations where love is the way. Imagine business and commerce where this love is the way. Imagine...


There’s real resistance by individuals and the institutional church to engage friends and strangers with what we call, “the good news of Jesus Christ.” Sure, many preachers preach it and many worshippers nod but, quietly we know and accept no progress will be made....


The story of Moses is really a story of four women. Shiphrah and Puah were midwives that defied the evil decree of Pharaoh and showed us motherhood as advocacy. Though their own children weren’t in harm’s way, they advocated for the safety of all children. Then...