The Holy Spirit is: life-giver, gift, helper, indweller, fire, wind-like, teacher, wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, power, freedom, truth, hope, belonging, giver of favor, fellowship increaser, healer, reconciler, hovering creator, forever friend, revealer, renewer, whisperer, proclaimer, boldness maker, shame eradicator, sin striver, love pourer, the declarer of futures, anointer, marriage counselor, love refiner, maker of faithfulness, strengthener of the weak, courage for the fearful, giver of dreams, giver of visions, genesis of a second birth, demon evictor, soul clothier, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, fortitude, piety, causer of baptisms, poetry maker, tongue liberator, the reassembler of the broken, the resuscitator of dead things.
Who is the Holy Spirit for you now?
The Bible
For People with Bishop Rob Wright
The podcast expands on Bishop’s For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.