The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

5 Parishes Participate in the Honduras Building Ministry

God has plans for you.This is a lesson that every child at the LAMB Institute learns from their teachers, caregivers and the volunteers that come to visit with them every year.What is the LAMB Institute? LAMB is a Christ-centered, multifaceted ministry based in...

A Message from the Bishop of Atlanta

A message to the people of the Episcopal Diocese of AtlantaBrothers and Sisters, I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.Our tumultuous election season has come to an end. The people have spoken. For those elected, my prayer is that they would...


Prayer is not magic incantation. Prayer is focused incarnation – the focused incarnation of godliness that resides in me. Prayer is what I use to grow up. Prayer breaks indifference. Prayer is sitting and sifting the layers of who and what I am as I find the...

Second Helpings Atlanta Tackles Hunger and Food Waste

More than a decade ago, a few members of a temple in metro Atlanta set out to solve two of Atlanta’s most pressing issues: hunger and food waste. They conceptualized a plan where they could “rescue” leftover food from restaurants and grocery stores and deliver it to...

Serve Compassionately | YOUR HELP IS NEEDED

At last year’s Annual Council, our youth partnered with Stop Hunger Now to package and send 10,000 meals all over the world. This year, we want to invite everyone at Annual Council to serve in this effort together. Is your parish up to the challenge?On Friday...

Episcopal School Open Houses

Of particular interest to prospective parents and students, several Open Houses at Episcopal Schools at: St. Martin’s Episcopal School, Nov 5, 9:30 am to noonwww.stmartinschool.orgHoly Innocents’ Episcopal School, Dec 3, 11:00 am to 1:30 pmwww.hies.orgSt....