The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
Path To Shine Invites You to Their 10th Anniversary Celebration

Path To Shine Invites You to Their 10th Anniversary Celebration

Path To Shine is excited to share the news about their 10th Anniversary Celebration, not only because it’s been years since their first program but also because you will hear first-hand accounts from people who have been impacted by Path To Shine. You’ll learn more...
Death by Disparities: How Medical Bias Kills

Death by Disparities: How Medical Bias Kills

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States, numerous news outlets have published scores of articles showing how Black Americans and other Americans of Color are dying at higher rates than their White counterparts. Is the death index germane only to COVID-19,...
Conversations With Our Priests Virtual Event Series

Conversations With Our Priests Virtual Event Series

The Cathedral Bookstore proudly presents Conversations With Our Priests. Beginning August 27, 2020, this recurring virtual event will be every Thursday at 7 PM. It’s free to attend; there’s no registration required. Check out the Cathedral Book Store...

Introducing Imagine Church

Premieres Sunday, August 23 at 7 PM Watch on Facebook or the Imagine Church Watch page. Imagine Church offers a renewed approach to online worship through music, visual art, and spoken word. ​On the fourth Sunday of the month at 7 PM we invite you to join us as we...

Spoken Word Performance: My Black Life

This spoken word is written and performed by Dominique J. Hardy. It was originally performed during the Allyship for God’s People webinar which hosted for over 400 youth and youth leaders of the Episcopal Church. The video was filmed in June at All Saints’...

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to Preach on Day 1

The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, presiding bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church, is the featured preacher Sept. 13 on Day 1 with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at and by podcast. He has...
Beware of Email Scammers Targeting Our Church Members

Beware of Email Scammers Targeting Our Church Members

Email Scams Continue In the past month, there has been a significant amount of scam emails sent to church members in our diocese. We first received notice about this in July and unfortunately, some of our members are still being targeted. Scammers trick you into...