The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
For People Welcomes The Rev. Greg Warren

For People Welcomes The Rev. Greg Warren

In this episode, Bishop Wright has a conversation with The Rev. Greg Warren, Interim Executive Director of The Center for Racial Healing. They discuss Greg’s purpose for stepping into his new call, new partnerships, and the work ahead.

For People Welcomes Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright

For People Welcomes Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright

In this episode, Bishop Wright is joined by special guest Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright, author and speaker. Beth-Sarah shares her powerful story of battling clinical depression, and how embracing our vulnerabilities can spark deep healing and foster genuine community.

For People Welcomes Jeffrey Small, CEO & Co-Founder of MDH Partners

Bishop Wright and Jeff discuss the relationship between wealth, faith, and the immense power of partnership in addressing societal issues. Jeff also brings to light the impact of socially responsible investing by sharing the history of the 1980s divestment movement, which initiated a pivotal shift in the perspective of investment returns.

For People Welcomes Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick

Bishop Wright and Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick discuss leadership in the face of adversity, scripture that equips us during times of sorrow, and the outpouring of love in the form of resources and letters from the mainland in the wake of the fire. God is with us in the grief!