The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
Small Parish, Big Outreach

Small Parish, Big Outreach

St. Andrews Parish has dedicated and placed six “Little Free Libraries” throughout their community, and it’s opening doors and special opportunities to reach out to neighbors, especially children.

Committing to Reform Our Criminal Justice System

Following a national conference on ways people of faith can work to end mass incarceration, Episcopalians gathered at Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta to identify concrete actions to reduce the number of people harmed by our nation’s criminal justice system.

For People Welcomes Rabbi Peter Berg

In this episode, Bishop Wright and Rabbi Peter Berg of The Temple, the oldest Jewish worshiping community in Atlanta discuss the history of Jews and Christians walking alongside one another in Atlanta, antisemitism and disinformation, and where we go from here.

Looking Back on 2022

2022 was a year that brought a return to in-person worship and gatherings, recognition of racial healing work, new ministries, and educational resources in The Diocese of Atlanta. This is a collection of stories looking back on the year.

Beloved | Holle’s Story

Chuck’s story of being known as beloved starts with a small church in North Georgia that eventually drove him away from the church for decades. It is a story that shows what happens when we want to make a big table for all of God’s beloved.