The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Hurricane Relief Fund

Episcopal Relief and Development is busy mobilizing resources and responding to our neighboring dioceses in the Carolinas that have been affected by Hurricane Florence. Your donation to their Hurricane Relief Fund ensures that essential items like food, water, and...

Diocesan Pride Events 2018

The LGBTQ+ community in Atlanta observes Pride activities in October of each year. This year Pride Weekend is October 13 and 14, 2018. This observance provides us, as part of the Jesus Movement, the opportunity to reach out to those who have suffered at the...

New Campus Missioners of the Diocese of Atlanta

Campus Missioner for Macon Colleges | Dena Douglas Hobbs Dena Douglas Hobbs was born and raised in the Macon area. She was active in campus ministry during her years at UGA and has continued to support campus ministry throughout her life. After serving as United...

The Desmond Tutu Tutudesk Campaign

In partnership with the United Nations Special Envoy for Education, the Tutudesk Campaign provides the answer to the classroom desk shortage crisis experienced in schools in developing countries. Over 95 million children in schools across sub-Saharan Africa have no...

Celebrating 200 Cool Girls at St. Peter and St. Paul

Non-profit organization Cool Girls celebrated 200 girls for their hard work in school last year at a special event hosted by the St. Peter and St. Paul Episcopal Church in Marietta. For more than 25 years, the Episcopal church has supported the organization’s...

General Convention Deputies Visitations

Our deputation from the Diocese of Atlanta proudly represented our church family in Austin at General Convention. Now they would love to come and share with you their experiences and answer any questions you might have about our time there, legislation discussed, the...

General Convention Deputies Visitations

Our deputation from the Diocese of Atlanta proudly represented our church family in Austin at General Convention. Now they would love to come and share with you their experiences and answer any questions you might have about our time there, legislation discussed, the...

Absalom Jones Episcopal Center Receives Grant

Trinity Church, Wall Street awarded a grant of $400,000 to the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing in early June to serve as a convenor for The Episcopal Church on anti-racism initiatives through providing training to youth, clergy, and lay leaders. “We...