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CETLA Graduates Second Class

by | Jun 18, 2018

The Episcopal Center for Theological Education for Latinos (CETLA) has graduated its second class of students.

The June 16, 2018 ceremony was attended by 23 graduates and their families and friends. Certificates of Completion were presented to graduates by The Rev. Alicia Schuster-Weltner, Diocesan Canon to the Ordinary.

The two-year theological training program is open to members of Episcopal Hispanic congregations who wish to deepen their faith. CETLA was developed in 2014 by the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta with the approval of Bishop Robert C. Wright.

CETLA operates under the guidance of The Reverend Isaias Rodriguez, Canon for Hispanic Ministries. The first class of 22 graduated in June 19, 2016. Two members of the 2016 class, the Reverends Gregoria Betances and Irma Gerra, will be ordained as Episcopal priests on June 23.

CETLA is grounded upon the concept of the ministry of all believers as outlined in the Episcopal baptismal covenant and the Episcopal identity informed by Holy Scripture, tradition and reason.

Students in the program include people serving in positions of responsibility, such as lay readers, Eucharistic ministers, catechists, vestry, ushers and those with a call to ordained ministry.

Hispanic Clergy of the Dioceses of Atlanta teach CETLA classes, which include Old and New Testament, Liturgy, Ethics and Morality, The Book of Common Prayer, Church history, Spirituality, The Anglican Communion, Ecumenism and others.

A third two-year class will begin on September 15, Canon Rodriguez said. Information about CETLA and other Diocesan Hispanic ministries is at

– Don Plummer, Media and Community Relations Manager, The Diocese of Atlanta.