The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

United Thank Offering

by | Apr 15, 2019

This Message is about how to process the Blue Boxes and UTO Envelopes gathered at the UTO In gatherings and where to send the funds.

Parishes collect the Blue Boxes or UTO Envelopes. The Parish Coordinator or Parish ECW Treasurer count the funds gathered and write one check made out to United Thank Offering.  The memo line should have Diocese of Atlanta and the name of the parish.  If there are any individual checks make sure they are made out to United Thank Offering with Diocese of Atlanta and the name of the parish on the memo line.
The check(s) is(are) sent to:
Diocese of Atlanta
Attn UTO
2744 Peachtree Road NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

I , Joy Boyden, am the United Thank Offering Diocesan Representative for the Diocese of Atlanta.  If you have questions on the processing of the donations and where to send them, you may reach me at