The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Disaster Preparedness & Response Reminders

by | Sep 8, 2017

With the possibility that some of our members have been or will be impacted during this hurricane season, The Rev. Paul McCabe, diocesan disaster planning and response coordinator, has prepared a list of resources that give information about how to best respond and volunteer in the event of damaging storms in our area. 

Three Key Things To Remember

  1. It is important to let the first responders do their jobs and not put ourselves in unnecessary risk taking situations.

  2. Pay attention to information going out from the state and other sources.

  3. Text messaging and social media are the best forms of communication rather than phones if circuits become over burdened. 


  • Diocese of Atlanta: Disaster Response ▸ Click here
  • Episcopal Relief & Development: Disaster Preparedness ▸ Click here
  • National Disasters Interfaith Network ▸ Click here
  • Episcopal Relief & Development: Ready to Serve Volunteer Website ▸ Click here
  • The Red Cross: Get Help ▸ Click here
  • Georgia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster ▸ Click here

Contact Rev. Paul McCabe if you questions or need assistance: