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ECF Announces Spring 2017 General Grant Recipients

by | Mar 27, 2017

Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia Grants $70,000 to Fight Poverty and Oppression Locally

ECF Announces Four Local Grantees During Its Spring General Grant Cycle

Atlanta, GA, March 24, 2017 — Today the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia (ECF) announces it will grant $70,000 to four organizations that are lifting people from poverty and oppression in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. The grants – which go into effect this month – will be made to Crossroads Ministries, Inc.; Emmaus House; the Housing Initiative of North Fulton, Inc./HomeStretch; and Lost-n-Found Youth.

“These grants demonstrate ECF’s commitment to support Episcopal parishes and their nonprofit partners in the Diocese of Atlanta that combat issues related to poverty and oppression, while providing Episcopalians with opportunities for spiritual growth through compassionate service,” said Lindsey Hardegree, executive director of ECF.  “This funding from ECF will be used as a catalyst for significant, sustainable ministries and partnerships across middle and north Georgia and will change the lives of individuals, families, and communities long-term.”

ECF’s spring 2017 general grant recipients:

  • Crossroads Community Ministries, Inc. (CCM) will receive a grant of $20,000 towards starting its Crossroads Connect job readiness program, which will create a pathway to stable and sustainable futures for CCM guests by providing access to computers, resume assistance, interview coaching, and classes on teamwork, time management, and financial planning. In partnership with St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, SafeHouse Outreach, New Hope Enterprises, and Top Job Hospitality, CCM is able to provide a foundation for guests who spend their days struggling to survive on the streets to lift themselves out of poverty through employment.
  • Emmaus House will receive a grant of $25,000 to fund the start-up of its new Parent Café program. This program, based on the principles of adult learning and family support, will assist parents and their families to manage stress, acquire leadership skills, and form healthy, supportive relationships with their neighbors, institutions, and the community at large. The Parent Café program will be a partnership between D.H. Stanton Elementary School and Emmaus House, a mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.
  • Housing Initiative of North Fulton, Inc./HomeStretch will receive $10,000 in operational support towards housing a family for a year in their Supportive Housing Program which helps families move from homelessness to stability. This program covers costs associated with utilities, repairs, and specific client services such as life skills education, mentoring, and dedicated case management. HomeStretch and St. David’s Episcopal Church have partnered for eight years with financial assistance for the Supportive Housing Program as well as volunteer support through board service, fundraising events, and direct service with clients as mentors and assisting in property upkeep.
  • Lost-n-Found Youth will receive $15,000 towards funding a new Youth Drop-In Center in Midtown Atlanta which will increase their capacity for homeless LGBTQ youths and open up their current location for revenue-generating opportunities. Lost-n-Found Youth’s internship program with The Road, a program of the Episcopal Service Corps of Atlanta, brings a social justice view and a spiritual connection to their services, allowing youth who may have previously felt rejected by their church to reconnect with religion or spirituality, and their partnership with All Saints’ Episcopal Church facilitates volunteer leadership, especially among the parish’s GALAS (Gays and Lesbians for All Saints’) group.

In recent years, ECF has shifted its grant-making focus to encourage larger, more impactful grants. “Each of our grantees this cycle has unique relationships with Episcopal worshipping communities that address the needs of those less fortunate,” said Lindsey Hardegree. ECF awards General Grants twice a year and Small Acts of Charity (capped at $5,000) quarterly. LOIs for the Fall 2017 Cycle for General Grants are due March 31, 2017. Those interested in applying for funding should visit for information regarding both funding opportunities as well as links to the applications. Applicants are encouraged to contact Lindsey Hardegree with any questions they may have regarding eligibility or their applications.