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Bishop Wright Appoints a Third Archdeacon

by | Feb 22, 2017

The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright, bishop of Atlanta, announced the appointment of The Rev. Juan Sandoval (Deacon) as archdeacon.  This appointment brings the number of archdeacons in the Diocese of Atlanta to three. A native of Phoenix, Arizona, Juan is a US Airforce Medic, and a Nurse Corps Officer of the US Army. He joined the Diocese of Atlanta in 2009, and has served in various lay leadership capacities since then.  As a vocational deacon, Juan has served in various congregations including: Christ Church, Norcross, Atonement, Sandy Springs, St. Patrick’s, Dunwoody, and St. James’ in Marietta. He is currently the deacon at the Cathedral of St. Philip.  

Juan will be joining Archdeacons Carole Maddux and Janet Tidwell, and each archdeacon will have a specific area of responsibility: Discernment, Formation, and Deployment. As archdeacon, Juan’s area of responsibility will be primarily in Deacon deployment. Congratulations Juan!