The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Bishop Whitmore Returning to Wisconsin

by | Oct 24, 2016

At the end of 2016, Bishop Keith and Suzie Whitmore will bring their ministry in the Diocese of Atlanta to a close. Bishop Whitmore came to Atlanta on April 15, 2008 to serve as Assistant Bishop of Atlanta at the invitation of Bishop Alexander and has served Bishop Wright since his election. The Whitmore’s are returning to Wisconsin to listen for God’s next call to ministry, to be close to family, and to learn to live into retirement.

Bishop Wright said “I am extremely grateful for the service Bishop Whitmore has given to this diocese and to me personally.   His experience and wisdom will be missed.”

 “Susie and I are so grateful for all the people of this Diocese who have welcomed and blessed us these nearly nine years,” Bishop Whitmore said.

To express appreciation and gratitude for Bishop Whitmore’s ministry among us,  a purse will be collected.  Checks can be sent to the diocese with the notation “Bishop Whitmore Purse” or on-line contributions can be made here.