The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


I am grateful for the Rule of Law. Grateful to live in a society that by and large values the legal process. Glad that I serve a faith tradition that has Canon law. Law and order is a good thing, mostly. But what about those times when more than the law is required?...


The good news of God in Christ is that there is life abundantly available. God, being merciful to us, wants us to know God’s complete joy. Sure, you can be a believer and be happy, if that’s all you want to be. But joy is the inheritance of the disciple. So, Jesus...


Can’t you hear Jesus saying to all the baptized, down through the hallway of time, “Welcome to the beautiful struggle. Welcome to the joyful rebellion. Don’t be surprised if the world hates you. I have come to bring a sword, not to be nice. They killed me because of...


In response to recent mass shootings in Brooklyn, New York; Southaven, Mississippi; Gilroy, California; El Paso, Texas; and Dayton, Ohio, political and religious leaders have released statements. Of course, statements are fine, even necessary. “Thoughts and Prayers...


The imaginations of the true laborers belong to God. They have seen God do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, and so they trust. They trust that God, as the still point of the circle, is drawing the circle of harvest wider and wider and they want in! Laborers...


  Jacob slept and dreamed. He saw angels ascending and descending. Earth and heaven connected. We in Georgia come from a long line of dreamers. Oglethorpe dreamed of a Georgia with no slavery and no religious bigotry. Dr. King dreamed of an America with...
Sleeper, Awake!

Sleeper, Awake!

  It’s easy to sleepwalk through life, school, marriage, work and retirement. This kind of life sleep is so insidious we can be asleep to the fact that we’re asleep! We would go on sleeping if pain or calamity didn’t shake us and wake us. Paul...
Soulful Excellence

Soulful Excellence

  If there was something called “soulful excellence,” what would it look like? Seems like Paul is trying to describe just that in his very first letter to a church. Here’s what he said: Faith is work. No apologies. And unique works flow from...


  Jesus wasn’t meek and mild.  You don’t publicly execute meek and mild people.  You crucify people who confront the system. Life with Jesus then and now is 50 percent comfort and 50 percent confrontation.  If Jesus’ words and example...


  Jesus remarked he had, “…nowhere to lay his head.” There’s a haunting sadness in that phrase. He said it after being turned away by two villages. He said it to warn his friends that following him would lead to nowhere for them. Recently we’ve seen images of...