The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

The College for Congregational Development Launches

by | Sep 1, 2021

The inaugural session of the College for Congregational Development (CCD) launched this week in The Diocese of Atlanta after years of planning! We spent the week in congregational and colleague teams, applying plenary learnings in practical ways. We were also joined by Bishop Rob Wright for teaching sessions and morning prayer.

The CCD is one of the multiple resources the Office of Congregational Vitality provides all congregations in the Diocese of Atlanta to become vibrant and thriving communities of faith. We are so grateful to Canon C. John Thompson-Quartey, a catalyst in bringing this to the Diocese. We were thrilled to have the Founder of the College as our Director, Melissa M. Skelton, and thankful to a fabulous training team, including three trainers from our Diocese, P. Richard Game, Sarah Fisher, and MoMandy Brady. We also celebrated the Diocese of Atlanta’s first CCD graduate, Sally Griswold Ulrey.

If you’d like to learn more about the College for Congregational Development, or are interested in sending a team of lay and clergy leaders from your church, you can learn more here.

Much gratitude to our congregational teams who committed a whole week to join us in this new endeavor:
– All Saints Episcopal Church
– Church of the Incarnation
– St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church
– St. Columba’s Church
– St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church – Atlanta, GA
– St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, Stone Mountain
– St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Dunwoody, GA
– St Peter’s Episcopal Church
– St. Simon’s Episcopal Church