The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Path To Shine Invites You to Their 10th Anniversary Celebration

by | Sep 15, 2020

Path To Shine is excited to share the news about their 10th Anniversary Celebration, not only because it’s been years since their first program but also because you will hear first-hand accounts from people who have been impacted by Path To Shine. You’ll learn more about what makes their program different, and why it is worthy of your support. The event will be virtual and will have food and wine presentations from three different culinary experts, music from singer-songwriter Charles Absher, and wise words from the 10th Bishop of Atlanta, the Rt. Rev. Rob Wright.

October 18, 2020 at 5 PM
Register Here

Registering for a ticket will give you access to the virtual celebration, as well as supplemental information. Please consider making a donation ($30 is suggested). Path To Shine’s fundraising goal for this event is $25,000 and they can’t do it without you.

Tickets will be available through October 16, 2020 or until they run out. This event is free, but we are suggesting a $30 donation. Path To Shine will also have opportunities for sponsorship and there will be a blind bidding auction. Follow Path To Shine on Facebook and Instagram because they will share information about ingredients and wine parings so people can participate in the comfort of their homes with their family and friends. They will also share information about sponsorship the blind bidding auction.