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Creating Authentic Community in Education and Beyond: Virtual Book Launch & Discussion

by | Sep 29, 2020

Thursday, October 1 at 6 PM

Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright, author of five books including the newly released DIGNITY: Seven Strategies for Creating Authentic Community is inviting you to a book launch and discussion with Rev. Dan Heischman, executive director of the National Association of Episcopal Schools, for a book launch and discussion on how to use the lens of DIGNITY as a tool for transformation in our schools and communities.

Please join us on Thursday, October 1st at 6 pm for a robust conversation between Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright and Rev. Dan Heischman as they discuss how, as educators, parents, and community members, we can work to bridge the gap between “who we say we are” and “what we do” as we strive to create authentic communities.

Drawing on the insights from Dr. Wright’s latest book, DIGNITY: Seven Strategies for Creating Authentic Community, we invite you to explore with us how our organizations and communities can better align our aspirations with our current reality. View this video on YouTube to learn more about DIGNITY, in Dr. Wright’s own words.

This difficult work is not relegated only to people with formal authority or special expertise, but rather can be implemented by anyone, any time, in any place. The solutions come from us. This work must be shared – so that we may shift from a focus on fulfilling tasks and checking boxes to leveraging our power to truly maximize institutional identity and authenticity.

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Zoom details for this virtual discussion will be made available prior to the event


About the Speakers

Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright is an Atlanta-based writer, speaker, and strategist, who advocates for authenticity in our communities by aligning our aspirational identities with our lived realities. A former college professor at NYU and Spelman College, she currently serves as the Director of Enrollment Management at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School in Atlanta and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Emory School of Medicine. She holds a PhD in Performance Studies from New York University, an MPhil in Anthropology from Cambridge University, and a BA (magna cum laude) from Princeton University in Sociology and Afro-American studies.

The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman, D.D., is the Executive Director of the National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES). A noted speaker, workshop leader, and author, Mr. Heischman is an Instructor in Doctor of Ministry Studies at Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Virginia. He preaches and leads faculty and parent workshops and retreats at Episcopal and independent schools, and serves as a facilitator for faculty development programs related to ethics and the moral development of students.

Mr. Heischman holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, a Master of Sacred Theology degree from Yale Divinity School, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from Cambridge University, a Bachelor of Arts degree in theology from Jesus College, and a Bachelor of Arts degree, Phi Beta Kappa, from the College of Wooster. He has received Doctor of Divinity degrees, honoris causa, from Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, New Haven, Connecticut in 2011, Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria VA in 2018, and the University of the South in 2020, in recognition of his many years of distinguished service to Episcopal schools and universities.