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Clergy Conference — A Second Wind

by | Sep 15, 2021

The clergy of the Diocese gathered for a day with their Bishop for the first time in almost two years, and the spirit of fellowship and renewal was palpable. The gathering at the Cathedral began with worship and a renewal of vows. “There’s a pent-up demand for fresh oil,” Bishop Wright said in his sermon, referring to the need for the chrism oil used in baptisms, which can only be consecrated by a Bishop, but also serving as a metaphor about the need for the anointing and renewal of the Holy Spirit to continue in shared ministry throughout the Diocese. The service included an opportunity for the anointing of oil by the Bishop, where he encouraged all present to remember who they are, and Whose they are.

After sharing Eucharist, the clergy spent the day in small groups, sharing about the need for a second (or third or fourth) wind from the Holy Spirit to continue faithfully in ministry in these days. They also discussed what about the future gives them reason to hope, and what they need to face that future. “We need each other,” one of the Clergy shared. Spending time together in this way for the first time in two years, strengthening the bonds of fellowship, was one way that need for each other was met.