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Atlanta History Museum Corona Collective: Calling for Submissions of Stories

by | May 19, 2020

Decades from now today’s children will tell their children and grandchildren about the time of COVID-19, a defining interruption of ordinary life in their formative years. Officials of the Atlanta History Center, realizing that, want to capture first-hand accounts of this strange period.

The center is collecting audio, digital video, photography, and text stories of coping through sheltering in place and working during the time of the virus. Everyone has felt the impact in some way; a health care worker on the front lines, a teenager who missed prom and graduation, a father who found himself home-schooling his children, a priest giving homilies from her living room. These stories will help both the professional researchers and interested citizens of the future see and hear what this time was really like.

To submit a record of your faithful response to this historic challenge visit Atlanta’s History Center’s Research: Corona Collective page.
Submit Here

Don’t live in Metro Atlanta? The Georgia Historic Society is also collecting this information here.