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Learn How You Can Support an Accurate 2020 Census

by | Feb 25, 2020

This webinar will provide information on how you can assist the 2020 Census to get an accurate count in your community. Alan Yarborough, Church Relations Officer in The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations, will provide information on why the Episcopal Church is an official partner for the 2020 Census and how you can participate.

“U.S. census data is critical for effective implementation of over 130 federal programs,” Yarborough says. “Additionally, private businesses, state, and local initiatives depend on Census data for effective distribution of resources, while congressional seats are apportioned according to the Census count.

“As a faith group, we are well positioned to help reach hard to count populations. The primary factor for whether someone will complete the census is whether or not someone they trust encourages them to do so. Immigrant groups, for a variety of reasons, are historically under-counted, and through Episcopal Migration Ministries and those who support this work we can make sure the count is as accurate as possible.”

To register, please click here.