In Ephesians, Paul praises God who is eternally and incontrovertibly for us. For us. God is for us. So much so that God blesses us, chooses us, adopts us, destines us, redeems us, forgives us. In Ephesians, Paul extols God who, in Jesus Christ and the words of Stevie Wonder, says to each of us for all time: “Signed, sealed, delivered, I’m yours.” Not so that we might use God to cancel and estrange ourselves from one another or to legitimize our petty hatreds and stupid fears. Beloved, Paul magnifies God who redeemed us through Jesus’ blood, sealed us with the Holy Spirit, and set us free so that, as God says to us, we might say to God: “Signed, sealed, delivered, we are yours.” Signed. Holy and blameless in love. Sealed. Marked as Christ’s own forever. Delivered. To love the hell out of each other.
By The Rev. Rhett Solomon, Holy Trinity Parish
For People with Bishop Rob Wright
The podcast expands on Bishop’s For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.