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Seven Miles

Apr 21, 2023

The news of the Resurrection of Jesus took some time to reach everyone. Some of his friends were so discouraged by his arrest and Crucifixion that they decided to head to a village called Emmaus, seven miles outside of Jerusalem. We understand why they wanted to run away. We understand the impulse to run away from the jagged edges of reality. What grabs me about this story is that Jesus was running towards them as they were running away! As Jesus walks and talks with them, they tell him the sad story. The partial story. (They hadn’t recognized him yet.). But, by the time they reach Emmaus, they see him. They get understanding. The good news of his life penetrates their sadness. You may not be up to walking seven miles today but go for a walk soon. Tell Jesus all your sorrow and your fears on the walk. And then just listen, open your ears, eyes and heart to him anew.

Luke 24:13-35

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

The podcast expands on Bishop’s For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

Siete millas

Tomo un tiempo para que todos se pudieran enterar de la noticia de la Resurrección de Jesús. Algunos de sus amigos se sintieron tan desanimados por su arresto y crucifixión que decidieron caminar a una aldea llamada Emaús, la cual quedaba a siete millas de Jerusalén. Podemos entender por qué querían huir. Entendemos el impulso de huir del dolor inmenso de su realidad. ¡Lo que me atrae de esta historia es que Jesús corría hacia ellos mientras ellos huían de su realidad! Mientras Jesús camina y habla con ellos, le cuentan la triste historia. Una historia parcial. (Aún no le habían reconocido.) Pero cuando llegaron a Emaús, realmente lo pudieron reconocer. Lograron ser comprendidos. Las buenas nuevas de su resurrección rompio su tristeza. Puede que hoy no estés caminando siete millas, pero pronto deberías comenzar a caminar. Cuéntale a Jesús toda tu tristeza y tus temores en la tu caminata. Y entonces sólo debes escuchar y abrir tus oídos, ojos y corazón nuevamente a Él.

Lucas 24: 13-35