The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


God has manifested God’s self among us in the birth of Jesus, now we are invited to be newly, highly aware of God manifesting God’s self. So let’s begin at the beginning, with Genesis and creation

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The breaking news of Christmas can turn your heart and your home upside down, not by guilt, not by shame, but by an overwhelming, unimaginable, illogical, mind-boggling, impossible amount of good breaking news.

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Garland can be fashioned into wreaths, but garland can also be fashioned into a crown. So gift your grief to God this Christmas and receive your crown of consolation.

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Time is the anvil God uses to make a faithful soul. And time is the technology God uses to hold space for those yet to even consider the grace of God already available to them.

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Thank you for love and all it’s redeeming hard lessons. Thank you blessing every second of human life with Your presence and power. Just thank You lover of our souls.

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Thank You

Thank You

Thank you for love and all it’s redeeming hard lessons. Thank you blessing every second of human life with Your presence and power. Just thank You lover of our souls.

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With Our Lips and Our Lives

With Our Lips and Our Lives

What we are left to wonder in the final analysis is, was this man’s infirmity ever actually in his limbs or was it always in his attitude? From Jesus’ lips to this man’s life, wholeness is born. Isn’t the same available to us?

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The collected wisdom of innumerable men and women for millennia is that only God is enough! When we envelope ourselves in God’s enough-ness, God brings the beauty out of our inherently human inadequacies and we find growth and rest.

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The collected wisdom of innumerable men and women for millennia is that only God is enough! When we envelope ourselves in God’s enough-ness, God brings the beauty out of our inherently human inadequacies and we find growth and rest.

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The devil wanted to choose Jesus’ sacrifices for him but he was clear his sacrifice was Calvary. Rooting our sacrifice in pleasing God is an act of trust in God.

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