The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


We are too much the subject of our preaching and talking in the church. God is the protagonist of our story not us. By the grace of God, you and I have been swept up in the truth of God. And, the most true thing about God is that “God is love!” You and I are the...

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We pray this week for God to help us “not to be anxious about earthly things.” But, if we are honest we're an anxious bunch. The last six months has either caused, revealed or amplified our anxiety about earthly things like: life, livelihood, the safety of our...

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In My View

In My View

“In my view, Jesus changed lives because he was able to change the way people imagined their lives. He dared them to imagine the stranger as neighbor, the child as teacher, the enemy as mirror, the deity as loving father. He helped them imagine lepers, women, and...

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“Purpose crosses disciplines. Purpose is an essential element of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history. Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill. Whatever you choose for a career path, remember,...

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Just God

Just God

There’s Moses, listening and talking to a tree on fire. And then comes the big question and the bigger answer. Moses: “What is your name?” God: “I AM that I AM.” Or, I will be what I will be. Or, I am who I have been and intend to be. Or, I exist and exert myself....

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Moses became the great deliverer but who delivered Moses? There’s no Exodus without the faithfulness of women. Shiphrah and Puah remembered that God is God alone and refused Pharaoh’s order to kill all the newborn male children. Moses’ mother, Jochebed, and her...

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They sold their brother into slavery. But, by his talent and the mercy of God, Joseph rose to prominence while his siblings languished in famine. Now, after all these years, it was Joseph’s turn to wield power and to take revenge. This is the way the logic of our...

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Their boat was, “…battered by the waves, far from the land and the wind was against them.” This distress lasted all night. Our present battering has lasted more than four months. We are far from getting a handle on things. We are battered by the waves of breaking news...

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Jesus fed five thousand people, the story says…took up scraps and blessed them. All that ate were filled. This story teaches a profound lesson about the nature of God. God is lively and breaks into situations and transforms them. But there’s another lesson here....

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A mother of two sons came requesting a favor from Jesus, she wanted greatness and first-ness for her sons. That’s where Jesus’ leadership lesson begins. Leadership is not actually about aspiration to a role. It can’t actually be granted. Sure, titles can be conferred...

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