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In My View

Sep 11, 2020

“In my view, Jesus changed lives because he was able to change the way people imagined their lives. He dared them to imagine the stranger as neighbor, the child as teacher, the enemy as mirror, the deity as loving father. He helped them imagine lepers, women, and Roman centurions as exemplars of faith. He asked them to imagine that the most important person at the table was the waiter, and that the end of the line was the place to be. At the moment I cannot think of a single story he told that was not intended to change the way his listeners imagined the world.”

– The Rev. Barbara Brown Taylor

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

Barbara Brown Taylor, best-selling author and Episcopal priest, is this week’s special guest. Barbara Brown Taylor and Bishop Rob Wright discuss the changing ways we encounter and see God in the world.

“En Mi Vista”

“En Mi Vista, Jesús cambió vidas porque podía cambiar la manera en que la gente imaginaba sus vidas. Él los desafiaba a imaginar al extraño como vecino, al niño como maestro, al enemigo como espejo, a Dios como padre amoroso. Él les ayudó a imaginar a leprosos, mujeres y centuriones romanos como ejemplos de fe. Él les pedía que imaginaran que la persona más importante en la mesa era el mesero, y que al final de la fila era el lugar para estar. Por el momento no puedo pensar en una sola historia que él contó que no tuviera la intención de cambiar la manera en la que sus oyentes imaginan el mundo.”

– La Reverenda Barbara Brown Taylor