The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


May 7, 2021

To be a servant of God and neighbor is what Jesus holds up for us, until today. According to Jesus, “…servants don’t know what the Master is doing.” But now, “I have told you everything,” Jesus says. That means we are now his “friends.” Being friends with Jesus changes everything. It moves us from obedience, as necessary and honorable as that is, into a shared-ness with Jesus. Being friends is about mutual compassion and shared responsibility. Being friends is about not needing to be browbeat, shamed or threatened into behavior. Being friends is about focusing our agency of our own volition on Jesus’ priorities because we want to be beside our friend. Being friends is about delight in the deep connection. Being friends is not about taking up behaviors so we can win the title “good person.” Many of us have asked Jesus in prayer during this pandemic for many things, as we should, but what do we want to give Him in this pandemic? We sing, “What a friend we have in Jesus…,” but would Jesus sing what a friend I have in (insert your name here)________________?

John 15: 9-17

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

The podcast expands on Bishop’s For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.


Ser un servidor de Dios y buen prójimo es lo que Jesús nos ofrece hasta hoy. De acuerdo a Jesús, “…el siervo no está al tanto de lo que hace su amo”. Pero ahora, “les he dicho todo,” dice Jesús. Eso significa que ahora somos sus “amigos”. Ser amigos de Jesús cambia todo. Nos mueve de la obediencia, tan necesaria y honorable que es, a compartir con Jesús. Ser amigos se trata de tener compasión mutua y responsabilidad compartida. Ser amigos no se trata de tener que intimidar, avergonzar o amenazar para generar un comportamiento. Ser amigos se trata de enfocar nuestro albedrío por nuestra propia voluntad en las prioridades de Jesús porque queremos estar al lado de nuestro amigo. Ser amigos se trata de deleitarse en la conexión profunda. Ser amigos no se trata de adoptar comportamientos para poder ganar el título de “buena persona”. Muchos de nosotros le hemos pedido a Jesús en oración durante esta pandemia muchas cosas, como deberíamos, pero ¿qué queremos darle en esta pandemia? Cantamos, “Que amigo tenemos en Jesús…,” pero ¿cantaría Jesús qué amigo tengo en (pon tu nombre aquí) ____________________ ?

Juan 15:9-17