The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Upcoming Events

Suicide Prevention Training for Parents and Families


Suicide rates have consistently risen in the U.S. over the past two decades, with young people (ages 10-18) as a particularly high-risk age group. The good news is that parents and those working with youth are perfectly positioned to meet this risk head-on. Join The Keep/Watch Project for three evening Zoom sessions that will equip you to […]

Event Series Dismantling Racism Training

Dismantling Racism Training

The Dismantling Racism training is designed to foster greater racial understanding, promote healing, and encourage reconciliation within the church and the wider community. This transformative program is offered multiple times throughout the year to ensure broad participation. It is mandatory for all parish clergy, as well as for lay leaders, including members of the vestry. […]

Suicide Prevention Training for Parents and Families


Suicide rates have consistently risen in the U.S. over the past two decades, with young people (ages 10-18) as a particularly high-risk age group. The good news is that parents and those working with youth are perfectly positioned to meet this risk head-on. Join The Keep/Watch Project for three evening Zoom sessions that will equip you to […]

Suicide Prevention Training for Parents and Families


Suicide rates have consistently risen in the U.S. over the past two decades, with young people (ages 10-18) as a particularly high-risk age group. The good news is that parents and those working with youth are perfectly positioned to meet this risk head-on. Join The Keep/Watch Project for three evening Zoom sessions that will equip you to […]

Monteverdi Vespers (Night One)

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

This very special collaboration between the Cathedral of St. Philip and the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, may well be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Atlantans to hear Monteverdi’s Vespers performed live by virtuoso soloists, multiple choirs, and expert period instrumentalists in acoustical and aesthetic surroundings similar to those for which it was written. Come and be swept […]

Monteverdi Vespers (Night Two)

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

This very special collaboration between the Cathedral of St. Philip and the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, may well be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Atlantans to hear Monteverdi’s Vespers performed live by virtuoso soloists, multiple choirs, and expert period instrumentalists in acoustical and aesthetic surroundings similar to those for which it was written. Come and be swept […]

2025-26 Youth Commission Applications Due

The Diocese of Atlanta’s Commission on Youth Ministry was established in 2015. It is made up of high school students and adult advisors who plan, host, and lead several diocesan youth ministry events throughout the school year. Each school year, the Diocesan Youth Commission is responsible for 5-7 diocesan events, including retreats, lock-ins, and service […]

FAURE Requiem

Grace Church 431 Washington Street Southeast, Gainesville, United States

The Grace Parish Choir in collaboration with the University of North Georgia Chorale and Cumberland Chamber Orchestra will present FAURE Requiem at Grace Episcopal Church in Gainesville on Sunday, March 30 at 4 PM. Benjamin Schoening, baritone Jennifer Mandzyuk, soprano Lynn Swanson, conductor A reception will follow in the parish hall. This is open to […]

Event Series First Sundays on the Fisk!

First Sundays on the Fisk!

Christ Church 582 Walnut Street, Macon, GA, United States

Join us as we begin the 2024-2025 season of "First Sundays on the Fisk!" This series features a performing artist every first Sunday of the month from October to May. In 2025 we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of our C. B. Fisk organ as well as the Bicentennial of Christ Church (Episcopal), the Mother Church of the Diocese of Atlanta.

Choir of St. John’s College Cambridge

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

The return to the United States of one of the most celebrated choirs of men and boys in the world – for the first time since adding girls to the top line – will move and delight listeners! At home in the University of Cambridge, the choir sings six Evensongs and a full Choral Eucharist […]

Meditation on the Passion of Christ, with Carols, Cathedral Schola

Cathedral of St. Philip 2744 Peachtree Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA

4:00 p.m. Meditation on the Passion of Christ, with Carols, Cathedral Schola One of the most moving choral services of the year, this meditation employs lessons & carols, spirituals, anthems, motets, and congregational hymns to illuminate the Passion of Christ, which is retold using biblical narratives from Mark, Matthew, and John, sung to some of […]