The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

A Look Back at 2023

2023 was a year of challenges. But the year also brought out the best in the people of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Here is a sampling of stories from the Diocese.

A Case for Love Movie Premiere

A Case for Love Movie Premiere

This full feature-length documentary is inspired by the teachings of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. This is a one-night theatrical release you won’t want to miss!

New Life

The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta is experiencing new life through new ministries, confirmations, and ordination.

A Christmas Message from Bishop Robert Wright

Breaking news from the Promised Land, God has answered the world’s greatest needs in the most surprising of ways – through the incarnation, God became flesh as Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.

Support Emmaus House This Holiday Season

Support Emmaus House This Holiday Season

As we reflect on legacy and tradition this holiday season, we’ve been thinking about patchwork. The practice became popular during the Depression when families would stitch together clothing to make blankets: a collection of diverse items and materials brought together to serve a greater purpose.

‘New’ Tradition Spreads Throughout Diocese

‘New’ Tradition Spreads Throughout Diocese

Christ Church in Norcross also celebrated Our Lady of Guadalupe with a bilingual service with Mariachis. Rev. Guerra, who pastors the Hispanic congregations at St. Bede’s and Christ Church, said Our Lady of Guadalupe is a symbol of religion and national pride to the people of Mexico.

Join the Pilgrimage to Cape Coast

The application for the 2024 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Cape Coast (April 17-24, 2024) is open until January 15. Candidates need to already have a valid passport and be willing to attend preparatory meetings on zoom.

For People Welcomes Jeffrey Small, CEO & Co-Founder of MDH Partners

Bishop Wright and Jeff discuss the relationship between wealth, faith, and the immense power of partnership in addressing societal issues. Jeff also brings to light the impact of socially responsible investing by sharing the history of the 1980s divestment movement, which initiated a pivotal shift in the perspective of investment returns.