The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

“Here Am I, Send Me.” A Nurse Heads to New York

By Rebecca Land Segrest, RN Editor’s Note: Rebecca Land Segrest is Campus Missioner for the Northwest Georgia Canterbury Club which includes Berry College, Shorter College, and Georgia Highlands. A Registered Nurse working in critical care since 2004, Rebecca will be...

Episcopal Food Ministries Responding to Economic Fallout of COVID-19

Food is a daily necessity. One that, in times of economic dislocation, is felt most acutely by those least financially able.  Food ministries of the Diocese of Atlanta are seeing a spike in requests from people who have been laid off or have lost their jobs due to the...

Red Door Food Pantry Delivers One More Dinner TOGO

On the 10th day of #DinnerTOGO, Red Door Food Pantry had received a phone call at the church about a home bound cancer patient. A case manager from Alabama had been calling everywhere trying to get this elderly lady a meal since she was in dire straits. “All of...

Food Pantry Drive-Through Serves Over 3,300 Hot Meals a Week

Stories of Hope and Helping: This piece is part of an ongoing series that looks at how our parishes and ministries are caring for our communities during this time of pandemic. The Red Door Food Pantry (Episcopal Church of the Ascension) is helping area residents who...

ChurchNext Offers More Free Courses to Grow in Christ at Home

ChurchNext is offering two free (virtual) courses: Bridging the Political Divide with Parker Palmer and Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse, sponsored by the Office of Government Relations of The Episcopal Church. These courses are aimed at...

Bishop Doyle to Preach on Day1

The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, based in Houston, is the featured preacher for Easter, April 12, on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at and by...

Episcopal Church Presents “Evangelism Initiatives” Resource

Evangelism Initiatives, a resources page and newsletter offered by the Episcopal Church, aims to engage the “Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement” by “seeking, naming and celebrating Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people.” The...

St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church Admits Junior Daughters

Naomia Chapter of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Decatur admitted four Junior Daughters recently. Pictured left to right are Chloe Riggins, Jenia’ Ebb, Allison Lowry, and Anna Lowry. Installation service for the Daughters was held on Sunday, March 8, 2020 during the...