The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

The School for Christian Practice Book Study

The first offering of the School for Christian Practice will be a four-week book study to reflect on Diana Butler Bass’s work Christianity After Religion. Our shared conversations and explorations of the book will help us gain a deeper understanding of the...

Imagine Church — Next Service on January 3

In December, Imagine Church will be taking a break for Christmas, and there will not be a new worship service on December 27. Join us in the New Year for a special Imagine Church service on January 3, 2021. On January 24, we will return to the regular schedule with...

Christmas Messages from The Episcopal Diocese 

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s 2020 Christmas Message View the English and Spanish transcripts of the video here. Bishop Wright’s 2020 Christmas Message Bishop Wright’s Christmas message will be shared on December 24 at 1 PM. The video will be posted on...
Congratulations to Carole Maddux and Juan Sandoval

Congratulations to Carole Maddux and Juan Sandoval

Carole and Juan were both elected for terms on the Board of the Association for Episcopal Deacons (AED). Juan Sandoval, Archdeacon for Deployment in the Diocese of Atlanta, and the Deacon for Hispanic Ministries and Pastoral Care at the Cathedral of St. Philip was...

Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright to Preach on Day1

Dr. Beth-Sarah Wright, author of  Dignity: Seven Strategies for Creating Authentic Community is the featured January 3rd preacher on Day1 with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast ecumenical radio program also accessible online at and by podcast....

Civic Engagement Opportunities

As stories and news on the election trend down, the  COVID-19 cases are trending up, even more so as we move into the winter flu season. Businesses, transportation agencies, and individuals are in dire need now. Add your support for additional relief now by writing...
The Friendship Center hosts Holiday Market

The Friendship Center hosts Holiday Market

Now through December 20 A popular holiday tradition will still take place at The Friendship Center at Holy Comforter but in a new and different way in 2020. For years, people have flocked to the Friendship Center on the first Sunday of December to find the latest...

Advent 2020

Bishop Wight’s 2020 Advent 1 Refection “If God is for us, who can be against us? The good news is that in all this disruption and all this interruption is that there is nothing, not life nor death nor things present nor things in the future not any power of any...